Monday, November 25, 2013

ABC and an American in 'Arabs Got Talent'

The control room of "Good Morning America," ABC News' morning show.

It's been awhile!

Since my triumphant return to America, I moved to New York and started a job at ABC News. I work on the news division's assignment desk and foreign desk, where I monitor and report on breaking news, help move correspondents and producers in the field, and head out on shoots in the New York area.

I've also written a bunch for, ranging from small local stories in the United States to live blogging turmoil in Egypt. Sillier highlights include "Tales of fried chicken in the Middle East" and "Exploding toilet wounds man," two masterpieces of mine, I might add ("Toilet bowls are supposed to flush, not explode").

I wanted to share a fun article I just wrote about an American singer from Massachusetts, Jennifer Grout, who's soared to the finals of the Arab world's version of the TV talent competition "Arabs Got Talent" -- despite understanding hardly any Arabic. Grout, 23, sings absolutely beautifully, and she's wowed viewers across the Middle East and North Africa by showing she's willing to cover some of the most technically challenging and popular songs in the region.

Please check out my story, and enjoy!

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